The Coronary Artery Reporting and Analysis Tool

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The Coronary Artery Reporting and Analysis Tool

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CARAT: Ma coronary diagram.

The next standard for coronary artery disease reporting.

The most comprehensive reporting tool for coronary angiography, CARAT® is built on deep clinical knowledge acquired through decades of research. Developed alongside APPROACH, CARAT is used by leading researchers, cardiologists, and health organizations to unlock the value of coronary angiography procedures to improve treatment of coronary artery disease.

  • Accurately map your patient's coronary anatomy while reviewing their angiogram.

  • Add stenoses, characterize lesions, and indicate stent and graft locations with a stroke of your mouse.

  • Quickly recall your patient's coronary diagram from your EHR.

Peer reviewed manuscripts
Research collaborators
Metric description
Metric description

CARAT is a better way to communicate coronary findings.

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CARAT diagram showing some possible arrangements of a patients coronary anatomy.

Graphical reporting for angiography and interventional procedures.

Designed by interventional cardiologists and used in hundreds of thousands of patients to date, CARAT is a state-of-the-art graphical recording and communication tool for CT and X-ray angiography, interventional cardiology, and cardiovascular surgery. CARAT makes the heart the physician’s canvas, allowing them to “paint” arterial details directly onto an anatomically accurate representation of the heart for inclusion in the report.

CARAT diagram showcasing the ability to paint unique branches or grafts onto a patients  coronary anatomy

Standardized interpretation and reporting of actionable coronary findings.

Showing CARAT's ability to generate reports on grafts, stents, and calculate risk scores.

Inter-physician variability degrades communication to the referring physician, and the language in medical reports is hard for patients to understand. Adopting CARAT as your primary reporting interface standardizes how actionable findings are communicated to both the referring physician and the patient, allowing them to quickly absorb important results.

Generate rich data from every case.

You need data to inform your decisions, but capturing data is expensive and current data models are insufficient for capturing the complexity of coronary anatomy, disease, and interventions. Based on a comprehensive yet simple-to-use clinical domain model, CARAT changes the game for quality improvement, population health, and personalized medicine initiatives by generating high-quality, structured data from every case.

Extensive data capturing abilities for the latest interventional procedures.